Defense-in-depth functional implementation architectural software

A good layered security strategy is extremely important to. Defense in depth did is an approach to cybersecurity in which a series of defensive. Defenseindepth functional implementation architecture. Governing everything from business systems to weapons systems to machinery controls. Jul 25, 2018 software architectural design and unit implementation the architectural design and unit implementation fig. Hardware, software, and network level protection is included within a. Despite efforts to develop processes and technologies that enhance software. Defense in depth is also an effective method of mitigation and prevention of automatic attacks that an organization faces from public internet 8. Defense in depth functional implementation architecture. Sep 04, 2016 the intel sgx software stack supports standard defensein depth mechanisms such as stack probing, buffer overflow protection and, on windows os, safe structured exception handling. It is defense in depth functional implementation architecture. It is designed this way so that security is not dependent on any single layer, especially in the event of an attack. Implementation in the c4i domain defenseindepth functional implementation architecture network transformation dfiant within c4i zdfiant c4i defines the dfiacompliant implementation of the.

Dfia stands for defense in depth functional implementation architecture cybersecurity. The concept of defense in depth is not newmany organizations. The industry started out with prevention tools, like antivirus software and firewalls. The document presents this information in four parts. Defines the minimum set of standards required at the system level. Nevertheless, the evoare implemented to manage the plant con 1 historians tell stories of a technique of defense in depth that was used in 2900 bce to hierakonpolis in.

Six strategies for defenseindepth securing the network from the inside out joel snyder. Defense in depth is originally a military strategy. Software assurance swa is the level of confidence that soft ware is free. Apr 30, 2014 defense in depth using nist 80030 kevin m. Instead, it is a security architecture that calls for the network to be aware and selfprotective. Represents logical layers of requirements vice a physical implementation. The national security agency nsa changed the concept to be a comprehensive approach to information and electronic security. Security information and event management implementation. Security is the main principles in all the process.

Its intent is to provide redundancy in the event a security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited that can cover aspects of personnel, procedural, technical and. Operational strategiesare influenced by the functional strategy. Measuring and improving the effectiveness of defenseindepth. The level of abstraction provided in a reference architecture is a function of its intended usage. Experiments show that the defenseindepth model we proposed is very effective against a. Defense in depth a practical strategy for achieving information assurance in todays highly networked environments. Now we have response tools such as siems, threat intelligence, and forensics. Key fingerprint af19 fa27 2f94 998d fdb5 de3d f8b5 06e4 a169 4e46 sans institute 2003, as part of giac.

Construction and evaluation of defenseindepth architecture in. Security measures in requirement development using defense in. Defence in depth architectural decisions peter rawsthorne. We challenged networking and firewall vendors to provide defense in depth security from the perimeter to the core. Defence in depth and how it applies to web applications. Add security best practices to automotive software. Defense in depth is practical strategy for achieving information assurance in todays highly networked environments. Ldra helps ensure automotive cybersecurity with support for. Build security in was a collaborative effort that provided practices, tools, guidelines, rules, principles, and other resources that software developers, architects, and security practitioners can use to build security into software in every phase of its development. Then we moved to detection capabilities, such as antimalware and intrusion detection systems.

Dfia defense in depth functional implementation architecture. Engineering defenseindepth cybersecurity for the modern. Merging a modern it architecture with an isolated network that may. To ensure its it systems can successfully operate in a contested cyber environment, the navy has finalized eight cybersecurity standards that aim to provide a uniform security architecture for its systems afloat, ashore, in the air and in space. However, the cyberworld is clearly different in many respectsfor example. Defense in depth is an ancient military strategy designed to solve exactly this problem. These three controls build the architecture of a defense in depth strategy.

Security measures in requirement development using defense in depth abstract. An example application of defense in depth would be to do all of the following. Ability to apply network security architecture concepts including topology, protocols, components, and principles e. Transforming security from defense in depth to comprehensive. Sep, 2005 according to viega and mcgraw viega 02 in chapter 5, guiding principles for software security, in principle 2. The strategy was successful, hannibal destroyed 10 roman legions all at once. Understanding layered security and defense in depth. If this principle is not implemented, inappropriately data e. Defense in depth did is an approach to cybersecurity in which a series of defensive mechanisms are layered in order to protect valuable data and information. Its intent is to provide redundancy in the event a security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited that can cover aspects of personnel, procedural, technical and physical security for the duration of the systems. In cases like these, it can be acceptable to explicitly cast the function return. Defense in depth is a flexible concept that allows you to create an effective security infrastructure that reflects the requirements of your organization. Measuring and improving the effectiveness of defensein.

Dfia stands for defenseindepth functional implementation architecture cybersecurity. Organizations need to defend their networks on each of the six levels in the diagram you see. Implementation of defence in depth at nuclear power plants. The navy has finalized the first eight in a series of more than two dozen planned foundational cybersecurity. Dec 18, 2008 layered security and defense in depth are two different concepts with a lot of overlap. Defines the navys reference cybersecurity architecture for afloat, ashore, and aviation for 20202030. Hannibal, the legendary carthaginian military commander, used it against the romans in 216 b. A holistic approachone that uses specific countermeasures implemented in layers to. Defense in depth, industrial control system, scada, pcs, cyber security, mitigation, firewall. Often times, defense in depth planning only includes technical controls keeping attackers out of your network, but too often the risk of an internal attack isnt. Abstractapplying defenseindepth cybersecurity measures to modern substation. Weve examined the components of defense in depth and how they contribute to security of the network. How is defenseindepth functional implementation architecture cybersecurity. In studying the problem of adding defenseindepth, weve identi.

Defense in depth is a concept used in information security in which multiple layers of security controls defense are placed throughout an information technology it system. Considering defense in depth for software applications. Defense in depth is the means to policy implementation. Try as we might to create perfect, failureresistant software, bugs will always exist that might cause software to. By not over complicating an applications design and the infrastructure its running on, makes the implementation easier, and also allows easier inspection of security mechanisms. It is a best practices strategy in that it relies on the. Feb 19, 2016 navy finalizes cyber standards for industry. Contractors and visitors require access to the internet, while employees themselves move about within the campus connecting at different locations. From subs to cyber insights into navys developing cybersecurity safety effort by capt.

Jun 20, 2011 practicing defenseindepth and implementing a defenseindepth strategy can protect your customers web applications from attack. Security program via the dhs computer emergency readiness team. The security of a software system is linked to what its users do with it. The best defense in depth strategy for software source and binary code would intertwine application defenses in such a manner that each defensive technique interlocks with and supports all the others. Defenseindepth functional implementation architecture dfia. Jan 26, 2017 abstract defense in depth is an important security architecture principle that has significant application to industrial control systems ics, cloud services, storehouses of sensitive data, and many other areas. Systems architecture national initiative for cybersecurity. Before granting access rights, an enterprises system should check whether users have the correct device identities software, hardware and network attributes and user. Defenseindepth is an important security architecture principle that has significant application to industrial control systems ics, cloud services, storehouses of sensitive data, and many other areas. Software engineering plays a major role in the entire upcoming field. Use a firewall to prevent access to all network ports other than that of the outward facing web server. Defense in depth functional implementation architecture, 6 security information and event management implementation, 7 information security. Dbas were considered as the representative accidents that could generate the most significant consequences. Extensive use of embedded operating systems vxworks.

It seeks to delay rather than prevent the advance of an attacker by yielding space to buy time. Antivirus protection is enabled on all host systems through mcafee antivirus, built into hbss, and. This defenseindepth idea for application security builds on hundreds of years of. Navy finalizes 8 cybersecurity standards, now available to industry. Jul 25, 2017 finally, like romes implementation, utilizing effective communication and defining an effective incident response plan will be vital to your overall defense in depth strategy. Dfia is defined as defenseindepth functional implementation architecture cybersecurity. Defense in depth perimeter security fundamentals informit. If one mechanism fails, another steps up immediately to thwart an attack. And use a type safe language to write the web server to prevent various classes of attack like buffer overruns. Defense in depth is the concept of pr otecting a computer network with a series of defensive mechanisms such that if one mechanism fails, another will already be in place to thwart an attack. Mark elliott, sudha vyas and ed lazarski januarymarch 2016 san diegothe battlespace of modern and future combat is trending to cyberspace as a critical terrain and as a means to deliver weapons effects.

Their responses give us a glimpse into the future of enterprise network security. Defense in depth is a security discipline that refers to having layers of protection in an it infrastructure. Encrypt all sensitive data like employee records when stored at rest, for example on the hard drive. Defense in depth is a strategy using multiple security measures to protect the integrity of. Defense in depth computing simple english wikipedia, the. Security principles open reference architecture for security and. Enclave writers should set the compiler options such that by default enclaves are built with standard defense indepth mechanisms available on a given platform. Jan 31, 2017 network controls include network firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems idsips, security information and event management, continuous monitoring, boundary protection, and defense in depth functional implementation architecture. In fact, a reference architecture for one subject area can be a specialization of a more general reference architecture in another subject area. Investing in layers of defense in depth is no longer working as a complete solution. According to viega and mcgraw viega 02 in chapter 5, guiding principles for software security, in principle 2. The tool suites static analysis capabilities ensure that the architectural design and unit implementation principles required by iso 262626. The navy has issued new cybersecurity standards that every unit, office, and contractor had better get to know.